Kathy Bridgman: If you want it, you can have it

Kathy Bridgman knows that any goal can be accomplished. She has led a lifetime of success, first as a teacher, and now as a real estate agent. For 15 years, Kathy Bridgman worked with children as their instructor and mentor. After a decade and a half of teaching, she decided it was time to enter the arena of real estate.

Kathy Bridgman is now a highly regarded real estate agent in the Silicon Valley. She is known throughout the country for her incredible successes in the real estate arena, and was made a member of the prestigious Alain Pinel Presidents Round Table, a rare invitation that few real estate professionals are honored with. Kathy Bridgman lives an active life in her community and is frequently expected at The Los Altos Chambers of Commerce, The Community School of Music & Arts and other society centers.

There are certainly difficulties that can arise when aspiring to achieve a goal or solve a problem. Sometimes it can be overwhelming to assess the tasks that must be completed in order to complete a project or endeavor. However it’s important to never lose hope and accept a failure prematurely, especially if what you’re trying to achieve is something you know will make you happy.

Manifesting things that you want has become an exceedingly popular notion, especially since the popularity of the ‘law of attraction’ became an all out phenomenon several years ago. Many clients of Kathy Bridgman attribute success in their obtaining their dream home through deliberately focusing on the realization of their ideal home.

Kathy Bridgman utilizes the unquestionable benefits of staying physically fit and healthy as assets in many parts of her life. Take Kathy Bridgman as a real life example of someone who’s achieved success across many areas of life.

Professional Innovation with Kathy Bridgman

Discovering new means of utilizing technology, building confidence, and establishing trust with an ever evolving consumer base, can all go hand in hand, says Kathy Bridgman. In order to be innovative, one must be committed to learning from their mistakes and gaining the knowledge that they know will prove useful in the future.

Kathy Bridgman, who often spends time at the Krause Center for Innovation at Foothill College, is a believer in the power of innovation. Her track record of success as a real estate agent demonstrates her ability to maintain excellence in her field amid one of the most active real estate markets in the world.

The benefits of innovation are many, as are the drawbacks of stagnation. Sometimes the only way to achieve success is through breaking habits and veering from tradition in order to obtaining desired results.

The goal of any innovator is to make something better, whether it’s a product, process, or an endless array of other objectives. Kathy Bridgman is on the leading edge of the real estate and has found that through developing patterns that can adapt with the ever changing world of real estate, no challenge is too great.

Sometimes challenges may result from an onslaught of new information or unexpected changes. While these ‘challenges’ may not seem pleasant in the midst of solving them, Kathy Bridgman believes that in reality, they are opportunities to innovate.

The bottom line is: Never give up or get stuck in a rut. Make the best of your current position in relation to any obstacle, and find a way to feel good – for doing this will allow you to be more apt to creating an innovative solutions that leads to positive outcomes.

Busy professional: Ensuring ‘well-being’, with Kathy Bridgman

Kathy Bridgman, the number 1 realtor in Los Altos, CA, and one of the nation’s Top 70 real estate agents according to The Wall Street Journal, is an extremely successful professional. Her success as a real estate agent came after a 15 year career in teaching.

Kathy Bridgman practices simple yet highly advantageous habits in not only maintaining her success but also continual progressing it. Fitness and staying active has paid off for Kathy Bridgman, who is the best shape of her life.

When in need of decompression and / or an endorphin kick, Kathy Bridgman may visit Equinox Fitness, or the Los Altos Country Club, where she maintains active memberships. Sometimes, you’ve gotta get away from the grind of a busy office in order to find equilibrium.

Finding your harmony may not always be easy, but it is always possible. Kathy Bridgman utilizes the marvelous advantage of health and wellness to better maintain a sense of balance and comfort amid occasional mayhem present in a highly successful professional life.

Stress is the biggest enemy of many professionals, as it not only threatens their work, but also their health. Luckily, there are proven methods such as physical activity that can not only help prevent stress, but release it.

Meditation and sleep are sure fire ways of recharging your mental batteries and also releasing stress. Kathy Bridgman feels it is important to maintain a healthy level of sleep on a consistent basis. Some of the easiest solutions in managing time efficiently stem from having a refreshed and well rested state of mind.

Kathy Bridgman believes that her physical activity and healthy condition are major contributors to her overall success. With 5 grandchildren all under age 7, Kathy Bridgman has happily found that she has more than enough energy to keep up with her little bundles of joy.

Kathy Bridgman: Buying a Home in Los Altos

Through her vast experience in Los Altos real estate, Kathy Bridgman is keenly aware of the changes that the market has undergone over the past several decades. After many years of positive momentum, the city is widely recognized as an ideal location for living and working and has a current median home cost of $2 million.

On more than one occasion, Kathy Bridgman she has been in the position of explaining that the $2 million median cost of a Los Altos property is not in fact due to a conspiracy by Silicon Valley moguls to make it impenetrable to those outside their select circles.

The real reasons behind the city’s appeal, as Kathy Bridgman has learned, is due to the following factors:

Lifestyle: The lifestyle of people plays a role in the place they live, whether it’s a small village, or major city. There are 2 major reasons why Los Altos has attracted an outstanding reputation in terms of the lifestyle benefits to its residents, according to Kathy Bridgman.

One: The community. The community of Los Altos are second to none, with world class art, entertainment and diverse population, it’s truly a flagship a flagship of California, who’s state motto is ‘Eureka’, meaning, ‘I have found it’.

Two: The economy. Kathy Bridgman has met with countless executives from many industries who have all set their sights on making Los Altos their home base. Being part of the great San Francisco Bay Area and in the technology haven of Silicon Valley, Los Atlos is truly a hyper connected economy that draws the interest of people from around the world.

While the leading real estate broker in Los Atlos, Kathy Bridgman is also one of its most happy and contented residents.

Kathy Bridgman Wants You to Know About Los Altos

Located in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area is Los Altos, California. Los Altos is the home of former teacher and real estate guru Kathy Bridgman. Kathy Bridgman has lived in Los Altos for the majority of her life and has seen it transform from a quiet agricultural town to a bustling community. Kathy Bridgman saw the population boom between 1950 and 1980, and the community has been an area of affluence ever since. Los Altos is a great place to live for a number of reasons, and Kathy Bridgman wants to share these with everyone:

  1.  Safe City. Los Altos was voted the third safest city in California. If you are looking to raise a family, Kathy Bridgman suggests that you look no further than Los Altos.
  2. Bustling Community. Los Altos has a great downtown area and plenty of shopping. On her days off, Kathy Bridgman enjoys grabbing a cup of coffee downtown and checking out the local shops.
  3. Smart Layout. The city of Los Altos has confined commercial zones to the downtown area of the city. As a real estate agent, Kathy Bridgman thinks this is of huge benefit to the city.
  4. Great Schools. Los Altos offers a number of great public schools and the majority of students continue on to universities after graduating.

Kathy Bridgman feels it is important to note that living in Los Altos is not a cheap endeavor.  The average home in Los Altos costs $2,000,000, and the city has been named in the top 100 most expensive zip codes in the country. The cost of living may be high in Los Altos, but the experience is well worth it. You can’t put a price on the perfect place to raise your family, claims Kathy Bridgman, and she is most certainly correct.

The Rewards of Teaching with Kathy Bridgman

Kathy Bridgman may have left the world of teaching behind to pursue other ventures, but she still feels that it was one of the most rewarding jobs she’s ever done. She spent more than 15 years of her life mentoring students and the experience she gained will remain with her forever. Kathy Bridgman shares that teaching isn’t something that you do for the money, which we all know there isn’t a lot of in the career choice. There may not be a big paycheck at the end of the day, but that doesn’t mean that the job isn’t incredibly fulfilling. Kathy Bridgman shares the following reasons for why she found teaching to be such a rewarding endeavor and why you should consider it for a future career:

  1. Making a Difference. Kathy Bridgman knew she was making a difference in her students’ lives each and every day. Junior high students are especially vulnerable and Kathy Bridgman enjoyed helping them navigate through this difficult time.
  2. Have a Career and Not Just a Job. Teaching isn’t something that you do just to pay the bills. Kathy Bridgman enjoyed going to work because she knew that it was what she was called to do. She encourages anyone that has a passion for knowledge to give teaching as a career a thought.
  3. Foster Relationships. Kathy Bridgman fostered numerous relationships with students throughout her career, many that she still has today! It’s great to keep in touch with students and find out how they are doing later in life. Kathy Bridgman claims that teaching is the gift that keeps on giving.

Lastly, we all know what can be especially rewarding about teaching: lots of vacation! Kathy Bridgman loved that she was able to raise her three children while also working full-time. Kathy Bridgman shares that teaching allowed her to give back to her students, but that they gave much to her as well.

Kathy Bridgman Wants You to Appreciate Theater

Kathy Bridgman has been an advocate for theater for as long as she can remember. One of her greatest joys in life comes from her involvement with the Community School of Music & Arts. Kathy Bridgman believes that much of the public hasn’t given theater a fair shot. The majority of the public flocks to the movie theaters, but where they should be is their local theater! There is something so electric about watching a live performance, says Kathy Bridgman. It’s something that can bring people together. Kathy Bridgman wants to share her tips for growing an appreciation for the art of theater:

  1.  Attend Multiple Plays. Kathy Bridgman shares that you can’t base your theater opinions on just one play. You must see a few to truly begin to foster that appreciation for theater. The more that you attend, the more you will find you enjoy them.
  2. Attend Diverse Plays. Don’t always go see the same type of play. Kathy Bridgman suggests seeing all kinds of plays. There are comedies, dramas, musicals and much more. If all you ever attend are comedies you’re missing out on a world of entertainment.
  3. Dress Up. There is nothing better than dressing up for a night out at the theater. Kathy Bridgman loves getting dolled up for a night out on the town, and knows you will too. Dress the part and you will definitely enjoy yourself that much more!

The theater is great for spectators but is great for the actors as well! As a former teacher, Kathy Bridgman knows all about how theater can benefit students. Kathy Bridgman feels that the theater provides an outlet for many people who need it. Everyone should get out and support the theater and actors of all ages, Kathy Bridgman feels. Give it a fair shot and she promises you won’t be sorry!

Up Your Golf Game with Kathy Bridgman

Kathy Bridgman has made no secret of her love for the game of golf. When Kathy Bridgman isn’t spending time with her five grandchildren or selling real estate, she can usually be found at the Los Altos Country Club. Kathy Bridgman is constantly striving for that perfect swing and that perfect score. Golf is a game that not many women engage in, and Kathy Bridgman finds that to be a shame. Kathy Bridgman enjoys nothing more than a day on the course and a cold beverage in her hand. Many of her friends and colleagues consider her a pro at the sport, and for that reason Kathy Bridgman shares the following tips for becoming a better golfer:

  1. Find the Right Club for You. Kathy Bridgman suggests choosing a club not only based on height, but on the shot you are trying to make. The right club might differ from hole to hole throughout the day. Make sure you are always using the right one for the situation at hand.
  2. Have a Good Grip. Kathy Bridgman emphasizes the importance of having a good grip on your golf handle. Have a good grip and a good game will follow.
  3. Have Fun. Make sure that you are enjoying yourself! Kathy Bridgman knows that golf can be a frustrating sport, but try not to let it get you down. A great golfer is the product of patience and practice, shares Kathy Bridgman. She encourages everyone to loosen up and have a good time, no matter the score!

Kathy Bridgman has been playing golf for many years, and she still says she has much to learn. Kathy Bridgman hopes to achieve that perfect score one day and knows that you can too. Simply employ a few of her tips and you’ll be well on your way to a stronger golf game.

Supporting Art with Kathy Bridgman

Kathy Bridgman is a real estate agent who lives and works in Los Altos, California. Although most people like and respect Kathy Bridgman for her work as a real estate agent, very few people realize that Kathy Bridgman is a huge supporter of local art in her community. If you have been curious about why supporting local art is so important to the health and well being of your community, consider this advice from Kathy Bridgman.

Supporting Art Supports the Economy

Did you know that most local artists are in business for themselves? Kathy Bridgman did not realize just how many local artists struggle to support themselves until she became involved in the local art scene in Los Altos, California. Because she values the local economy, Kathy Bridgman believes that it is important to support local art in whatever way she can.

Local Art Keeps Children Off the Streets

Kathy Bridgman says that many local artists are also incredibly involved philanthropists. For that reason, Kathy Bridgman believes that it is her civic duty to support local art. Many young people take solace in arts-focused activities in their communities. If local art is unavailable, many children will have nowhere to go after school and will turn to violence, drugs, or other nefarious activities.

If you are interested in supporting your local economy and giving youths in your community a place to go after school, you should support local art the way that Kathy Bridgman does. Kathy Bridgman says that supporting your local art scene is as simple as purchasing or commissioning pieces from a qualified local artist. The next time you are looking for a painting in your home or office, consider buying from a local artist. Kathy Bridgman knows that you will greatly enjoy the benefits that you will receive from supporting local artists.

Kathy Bridgman on Junior High Study Skills

Most people know Kathy Bridgman as a well respected real estate agent who lives and works in Los Altos, California. However, very few people realize that Kathy Bridgman began her career as a junior high school teacher. In fact, Kathy Bridgman says that many parents of junior high school students still approach her for advice on what their children are doing in school.

If you are concerned about your junior high school student and their study skills, consider this advice from Kathy Bridgman.

Developmental Changes

One of the most important aspects of the junior high school experience is the fact that there are many developmental changes that students go through during this time. Kathy Bridgman says that the best thing that parents can do for their children is understand these changes and do what they can to help their children. For example, Kathy Bridgman says that most junior high school students feel more independent than they did in the past. However, Kathy Bridgman says that it is important to give your junior high school students clear and present boundaries.

Here are a few great study tips that parents can use to help their children in junior high school:

  1. Know that time management is a major point of difficulty for children in junior high school. Kathy Bridgman recommends that parents do what they can to ensure that their children have help in time management.
  2. Find ways to make organization fun. Kathy Bridgman recommends that parents buy their children a planner or calendar so that they can better organize their schoolwork and extracurricular activities.
  3. Give children the opportunity to make mistakes. Kathy Bridgman says that you can expect your junior high school students to make many mistakes while they are going through this experience. However, Kathy Bridgman says that it is important that you allow them to make these mistakes and support them as they deal with the consequences.